Saturday, August 10, 2013

Red & White :: Happy Belated 48th Birthday, Singapore!

 Hi everyone! It's the weekend again! It was Singapore's National Day yesterday and I always make it a point to dress in patriotic colours every year on this special day. =) This year, I was lucky enough to be off and got to cook for my baby sis and Tristan while watching bits of the National Day Parade (I tear every year while watching without fail. =X).

Since I was off, I didn't get to wear my National Day OOTD and decided to make it up today! =D Better late than never, right?


This year, I opted for a simple all white outfit with some statement red heels! These red Zara heels from their 2013 Cruise collection are so amazingly comfy that I actually broke my ban! =(  I picked up the exact same style of heels in a nudish tan colour earlier today. =( I was doing so well for the past week and did not shop at all! *sighs* 

It's okay!! I have decided to continue on my no shopping ban till the 25th of August as per my initial plan. And... I will succeed this second time around! YES!

I love this Bershka sheer silky top so much that I have it in 3 different colours. =P I snagged them all during the recent Great Singapore Sale(GSS) and they were an absolute steal. I love love love good bargains!

Top - Bershka (similar here // love this)
Shorts - Zara (similar and on sale here & here)
Purse - LV Pochette Twin GM (discontinued)
Heels - Zara (found here and in Zara stores)

I hope all my fellow Singaporeans had a wonderful National Day and are enjoying their long weekend! And to my friends from other parts of the world, have a smashing weekend! Thank you all for looking. =D

**DISCLAIMER: I do NOT earn any commission or payouts from the links I provide. I sincerely hope that all of you find them helpful when looking for the same or similar items. Happy shopping!!

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