Tuesday, June 11, 2013

: Monochrome : Scalloped collar, colourblock kitten heels & rouge accents

Hi Everyone! Sorry for disappearing for abit. =X  I'm currently down with a very bad cough (since a week back) that keeps me up at night. I have also lost my voice for the very first time in my life. That stinks for a person who loves to talk and laugh. =( We are now trying everything we can get our hands on! Honey, chinese smoked plums boiled in water, herbal tea, all sorts of lozenges etc.

Due to the fact that I have been feeling ill and coughing my lungs off, I decided on a very simple outfit today. Monochrome with some red accents. I also fished out a pair of colourblock kitten heels for maximum comfort. We only managed a couple of quick pics before dashing off to work! We usually have only about 2-3 minutes for photo taking in the morning. We wake up, drink some water, shower, dress up, get ready (e.g. shave, style hair, put on makeup etc), book a cab (that's the reason why I sometimes have a phone in my hands), take some blog pics and scoot off! The typical life of a Singaporean. =P

I wish you all a smashing week and an even more awesome weekend ahead! As for me, I just want to recover and snack on all the chocolates and chips that are waiting for me in my refrigerator and larder! =X I'm really missing my Honey Dijon Kettle chips, Tyrell's cider vinegar chips, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Whittaker's Fruit and Nut bar and Pocky strawberry biscuit sticks!!! All I have been eating are soupy stuff, porridge and bread. And don't forget the almighty H2O. Lots of it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Top - No brand (old)
Jeans - Denizen (Alteration: shortened and tapered)
Heels - Zara
Bag - Chloe Louise in Rouge Vintage

Thanks for dropping by! And remember to keep laughing! =D

p.s. Tomorrow is the 12th of June and it's my dearest, darlingest Mommy's birthday <3! =D On a more serious note, it is also the day my Big Ah Ku (2nd Uncle, my mom's baby bro) is undergoing a minor heart bypass. Daddy has forbidden me to visit Ah Ku due to his lowered immunity and my prolonged cough. So please please please keep both of them in your prayers. Thank you!

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